Welcome to BBA

The entry requirement for the BBA program is a Higher Secondary Certi cate (HSC), A-level, Alim or any other equivalent level of education recognized by the authority, and ful lling any other conditions that may be required by the authority.


business administration at a Glance

BBA degree was first launched in 2012 at
N. Haque University  College of Business and Technology.

What is BBA?

What and Why is taught in BBA: How to improve business relationships, how to run a business, how to start a new business... From all these subjects to the ins and outs of the corporate world, Business Administration studies. A BBA student can clearly learn about various departments of business education such as marketing, accounting, economics, inflation, investment finance, supply chain, international business and management. A BBA student needs to know how to work with partners, through 'supply chain' or deliver products. And if you want to do business, it is important to have knowledge about other things besides these related things. So along with these subjects, students are given courses in various subjects. Students can prepare for future jobs through presentations or interviews under various courses..

#Why should I study BBA in N.Haque University college of Business & Technology?

It goes without saying that there will be no shortage of jobs after studying BBA. However, you have to proceed keeping in mind what kind of work you are interested in. In addition to financial institutions, luxury or elite goods and services based institutions, it is also possible to Apart from elite product and service based organizations, it is also possible to work in various Ngos or agriculture and agribusinesses. In that case it is also easy for a BBA student to work in the field or interact with people at different levels.

What is the future?

National and international organizations are currently working on information and data-based issues. And in BBA, especially in the marketing department, the processes are done with information and data centric subjects. Such as describing financial data and how to make effective decisions from it. Any type of organization wants to select employees who have a clear understanding of how to manage the business as a whole beyond specific tasks. BBA teaches how to work with and analyze artificial intelligence, a subject that is in high demand in today's job market. Apart from working, one can also start one's own business or work as an entrepreneur. In that case, if you study BBA, you can manage the profit and loss of your business, human resources, and financial resources efficiently with that knowledge. And in terms of jobs, it is possible to work in various departments of national and multinational organizations in financial and non-financial fields.


BBA Information

Course Name Total Student Seat Total Student Total Graduated





BBA Tuition Fee

Course Name Total Credit Per Semester Fee Total Tuition Fee





BBA Routines and Syllabus

Year Semester Course Title Details Date